Is Your Printer the New Trojan Horse?

Data horse

Of all the business machines commonly found in a corporate offices, businesses, schools, government buildings, or even home offices, the traditional office printer is generally perceived as benign and non-threatening. However, in the age of increasingly sophisticated cybersecurity attacks, the printer’s passive function is also the weakest link in an organization’s IT security defense strategy.…

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Addition by Subtraction: What Can MPS Reduce for You?

Open Copier

Lower Costs â€“ It’s estimated the average company spends between five and 15 percent of its annual revenue on document costs. However, according to The Gartner Group, MPS can help businesses reduce printing expenditures by up to 30 percent. How? By: ​​​​​​​• eliminating outdated, inefficient, or redundant devices • consolidating your print fleet and removing unnecessary…

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Why All Businesses Benefit from Managed Print Services

Employee using copier

While we continue to await the arrival of the paperless office, printed documents remain an integral part of workflows in most companies. In fact, depending on who you ask, office printing volumes are not only failing to decline sharply but are actually increasing in certain vertical markets. With our continued reliance on printers in our…

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MPS Enables You to Achieve More with Less

Four copiers

Even in the digital age, it’s difficult to imagine offices functioning without printers. They are a tremendous resource for facilitating professional productivity. However, the reality is these beneficial devices can be a source of frustration at times. We’ve all experienced the stress of being unable to print a document when you need to because you’re…

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