Benefits of LinkedIn for Business

Mobile phone with Linkedin on the screen

LinkedIn company pages offer a number of benefits to businesses. First, they serve as an important recruitment tool, with which businesses can find candidates and fill positions within their company. LinkedIn is one of the first places professionals go these days when looking for employment, so it behooves businesses to have a presence there. Company…

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Why Corporate Recycling Programs Are Business-friendly

Recycling bins

Corporate sustainability is growing in popularity, as companies are increasingly aware of the impact their businesses have on the environment. One simple way to improve your company’s commitment to the environment is through a corporate recycling program. Implementing a recycling initiative is a greener way for your company to operate, benefiting both your bottom line…

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4 Things to Say to an Angry Customer

Man with steam coming out of his ears

Here are four things you should say to an angry customer to make things right by them. “You have a right to be upset.” Expressing sympathy toward an upset customer lets them know you understand where they are coming from and why they are upset, validating their grievance. This statement of understanding on your part is…

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Turn Clients Into Advocates through Online Reviews

Clients smiling

Word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful forms of advertising at the disposal of small businesses. Online reviews serve as digital ‘word-of-mouth,’ providing customers a way of passing along their opinion of a business to a vast amount of prospective new clients. Being proactive and asking your clients to leave a review for your business…

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Cost-effective Strategies to Grow Your Business

Employees working on a project

One of the simplest ways to spread the word and expose potential customers to your product or service is by giving some of it away. It’s a way of coercing someone to sample what you are offering without any risk. Once they try it and see there is value in it for them—i.e., they like…

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The Importance of Effective Time Management in Business

hourglass on a laptop

Effective time management makes it possible for you to work smarter so you can get more done in a workday without adding hours to it. By organizing your day and maximizing your efficiency, you’ll be able to accomplish your tasks in less time, meet your deadlines, reduce stress, and pursue a more desirable work-life balance.…

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Surefire Ways to Snuff out Employee Morale

Employees laughing together

As an employer or manager, it’s important to be aware of your actions and avoid behaviors that can have a negative impact on the morale of your subordinates, such as: Pitting employees against each other – While pitting your employees against one another as part of an internal competition may seem like a healthy way to…

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Can Your Business Afford to Pay a Ransom?

Skull on a motherboard

Odds are, your company is more likely than not to be targeted by cybercriminals, according to “The State of Endpoint Security Today,” an independent study of 2,700 mid-sized companies in 10 countries sponsored by Sophos. According to this study, 54 percent of organizations polled were victims of ransomware in 2017. For many of those businesses,…

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Office Productivity Killers and How to Combat Them

Woman working in frustrating

Here are some of the most common office pitfalls and ways to overcome them for the sake of productivity. Unproductive or unnecessary meetings – A survey by Upwork revealed 70 percent of professionals spend about a day each week in meetings. Before scheduling a meeting, ask yourself whether or not it is actually necessary. Incessant emails –…

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6 Practical Ways to Motivate Your Team

Team meeting

Motivation is the difference between adequate and excellent. If you want your team to perform at their best, it’s critical to discover what motivates them—and bring more of that into their daily work. Consider the following practical approaches to create an environment of positivity and motivation for your team. 1. Create a pleasant work environment. We…

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